Free Design Resources

Toolbar CSS snippet

Toolbar CSS snippet made of only HTML and CSS3. It has been created by Cameron Baney, inspired by Mani’s toolbar.


Moustaches free AI

Free AI Illustrator Mustaches! Charlie Belvin has designed some of the best looking cookie dusters you’ve ever seen.


TWO-B SLAB Typeface free font

TWO-B SLAB font is a free slab-serif typeface from Flux Collective. It’s great for display use, with bold letterforms.


Grand Hotel free font

Grand Hotel free font finds its inspiration from the title screen of the 1937 film “Cafe Metropole” starring Tyrone Power.


Leather UI kit PSD

UI kit on leather texture. Free PSD containing three buttons, one app icon, zip chain, and some UI elements that you can freely use.


Free PSD travel icons

Free PSD travel icons (flights, calendar, luggage, lock, information, tag, et cetera) designed by Konrad.


Facunda free font

Facunda is a free condensed display font in five different styles. Ideal for retro-vintage typography. Designed by Bu!
