The Siren: One-page blog/magazine design concept
The Siren is a clean and modern one-page Sketch template ideal for getting started with a blog/magazine design concept.
The Siren is a clean and modern one-page Sketch template ideal for getting started with a blog/magazine design concept.
Everyday is a free iOS note taking app concept to jot down short reminders. Built in Sketch and released for free by Rejo Varghese.
A redesign concept of Adidas website designed in Sketch by Mark Gerkules, young UI designer from Israel, and released exclusively for our readers.
This week featured freebie is Sportify, a small UI kit for fitness apps made of 5 awesome Sketch screens exclusively for Freebiesbug.
A set of 100 free generic icons for Sketch and Illustrator designed by Murat Mutlu, co-founders at Marvel and a Product Designer by trade.
A free set of 70 well-crafted basic outline icons for designers and developers in Sketch and Ai formats designed and released by Carlotta Govi.
A fresh set of 24 unique user interface outline icons in SVG and Sketch formats that you may find useful to build admin or dashboard pages.
Today’s featured freebie is a social app design concept from Designerbundle including 11 pixel perfect screens.
Today’s exclusive freebie is a set of 200 free misc icons designed by Smashicons and released exclusively for our readers.
Slides 2 is a huge pack of design resources created for Slides Framework. Free PSD and Sketch files released by the design team at DesignModo.