300+ flat color icons SVG
A special pack containing 312 free SVG icons by Icons8, a very large archive of pixel-perfect icons.
A special pack containing 312 free SVG icons by Icons8, a very large archive of pixel-perfect icons.
Trekking Store is a free PSD website template best suitable for ecommerce and featured by clean and modern design.
Phototime is a simple and clean landing page concept for showcasing mobile apps. Free PSD designed by Gianluca Cosetta.
Here is WhatsApp design concept for OSX designed with Sketch app. A freebie designed and released on dribbble by Roman Kornikow.
Erster Caps is a free uppercase font inspired to industrial world. It has been designed and released for Freebiesbug by Brian Jangima.
A call-to-action button that animates and turns into a full-size modal window with a morphing effect. Created by CodyHouse team.
This week freebie is a website template best suitable for agencies or companies offering services. Free PSD designed by AlHasan AlDasooqi.
Beetle is a free responsive HTML5 template for designers with parallax features designed by Frank Rapacciuolo and coded by Pasquale Vitiello
LineIkons is a set of 300+ retina-ready icons released by Marco Lopes and created with vector shapes & strokes in order to be easily edited.
Freebie of this week is a special pack containing 70 free PSD and AI icons exclusively released for Freebiesbug by iconsmind.