Free Design Resources

Presentation slideshow template

A simple but nice presentation template – coded with few lines of CSS and jQuery – that you can use to create beautiful web slides.


September free font

September is a free font inspired by old school knuckles tattoos. Designed and released by Borja Fernández.


Butler free font

Butler is a free serif font inspired by Dala Floda & the amazing Bodoni family. It is ideal for posters, big titles, books & fancy stuff.


Mobile devices mockups

A set of mobile devices mockups including a smartwatch and a black iPhone. Free PSD created and released by Abram Goglanian.


Apple Watch stainless mockup

A realistic Apple Watch stainless mockup including Photoshop smart objects to easily replace screens. Free PSD released by Anders Jildén.


Numb3rs free font

Numb3rs is a free font including only numbers and featured by a unique and stylish look.


Corporate landing page

A minimal corporate landing page designed in Adobe Photoshop. Free PSD created and released by Al Rayhan