Pier free font
Pier is a free modern font made to fit your everyday design needs, a geometric font that would look as good big or very small.
Pier is a free modern font made to fit your everyday design needs, a geometric font that would look as good big or very small.
Here’s a series of custom iOS8 keyboadrs created with Photoshop vector shapes. Free PSD released by Virgil Pana.
A call-to-action button that animates and turns into a full-size modal window with a morphing effect. Created by CodyHouse team.
Eventray is a ready-to-use UI kit includes multiple layouts and UI elements designed for Web and Mobile use. Free PSD by DtailStudio.
Hosoren is a set including 10 photorealistic iPhone 6 mockups built with Photoshop smart objects. Free PSD released by Tran Mau Tri Tam.
The Android Lollipop UI kit created with Sketch app. It contains 45 useful elements. Created by Jerry Cao.
Tethr UI kit for iOS is now available for free! It’s got over 250 of the most common UI elements to make prototyping that much faster.
A vintage starter kit including 6 Logo / Insignias (AI), 12 Icons (AI), an ABR brush file for Photoshop to add texture to your final piece.
Slash is a free font designed to be unique and stand out of the crowd. Designed by Ronald Vermeijs.
An awesome tutorial explaining how to create a slide-in filter panel powered by CSS and jQuery. Created by CodyHouse.