Responsive mail app UI – HTML
A responsive mail app UI coded with HTML, CSS and few lines of jQuery. A snippet by Nicklas Sandell.
A responsive mail app UI coded with HTML, CSS and few lines of jQuery. A snippet by Nicklas Sandell.
Boomtown Deco is a free font inspired to Oklahoma, a city that flourished in the early 20th century due to the discovery of oil. Designed by Chris Skillern.
A simple but useful icon set, completely free now and ever. Currently 150 icons are available, and more are planned to come.
Framework7 is a powerful and full featured HTML framework for building iOS7 apps.
Metria is a geometric free font based on consistent angles and an imperfect circle. Designed by Jake Lunde.
A flat and minimal browser mockup for showcasing your websites. Free PSD created and released by Tim dekens.
A set of 4 vintage logos. Just edit text, slogan and your logo is done. Free PSD released on PixelBuddha.
A nice user interface kit made of transparent elements. Free PSD created and released by saurabhj.
Luzern is a font inspired by the most common grotesque heights and boxed sans serif typefaces. Regular & italic weights are free to download.
A set of simple stack effects on thumbnails created with CSS. Free snippet released by Codrops.