Free PSD Resources

Apple devices mockups on Firmbee

Firmbee is a project curated by William Iven. There you can download for free many useful Apple devices mockups released in PSD format.


Apple devices PSD mockup

A mockup built with smart objects including Macbook Pro, iPad Air 2 and iPhone 6. Free PSD released by Roberts Ozolins.


Subway – 306 icons now free!

Subway is a (now free!) set of 306 pixel perfect crafted icons. Delivered in PNG, SVG, XALM, PSD, CSH, SKETCH, PDF, AI and EPS formats.


50 PSD line icons

Here is an interesting set made of 50 line icons designed with Photoshop. Free PSD released by Davide Pacilio.


Gemicon v2.0 icon set

Gemicon v2.0 is a set including 40 vector icons provided in both line and solid versions. Free PSD released by Budi Tanrim.


iOS8 keyboard concepts

Here’s a series of custom iOS8 keyboadrs created with Photoshop vector shapes. Free PSD released by Virgil Pana.


Eventray UI kit

Eventray is a ready-to-use UI kit includes multiple layouts and UI elements designed for Web and Mobile use. Free PSD by DtailStudio.


Hosoren – 10 iPhone 6 mockups

Hosoren is a set including 10 photorealistic iPhone 6 mockups built with Photoshop smart objects. Free PSD released by Tran Mau Tri Tam.


Tethr – Free UI kit for iOS

Tethr UI kit for iOS is now available for free! It’s got over 250 of the most common UI elements to make prototyping that much faster.
