Freebies tagged: ecommerce

Bike Shop Mobile App – Figma

Free Figma mobile app design for bike shops featuring 15 ready-to-use screens, from bike customization to checkout process.


Free eCommerce Mobile UI Kit

A free eCommerce UI kit made in Figma for quickly putting together mobile app designs, that includes 16 ready-to-use screens.


Startup Website Template for Figma

A free website template for startup landing pages. It’s perfect for AI projects, but you can totally use it for any other kind of app.


Free Nike App Design for Figma

Free Nike App Design for Figma, that includes over 100 screens covering sign-up, login, account settings, shopping, checkout, and more.


Free Tech Store Template for Figma

Cyber is a free Figma template for crafting tech-centric e-commerce websites including 7 pages available in both desktop and mobile versions.
