Xicons: 2150+ Free Figma Icons for UI Design
Xicons is a collection of over 2,000 free icons specifically designed for UI/UX projects in Figma.
Xicons is a collection of over 2,000 free icons specifically designed for UI/UX projects in Figma.
A huge collection of hundreds of vector icons from multiple sources, put together by Ayman Taher in a free Figma file.
A free set of 10 retro social icons including Instagram, Pinterest, Tinder, Snapchat, TikTok, Facebook, Dribbble, WhatsApp, and more.
A collection of social network icons built with Figma and ready to be used in your UI, including 36 free icons of the most popular platforms.
Picons Social is a set of 60 free social icons provided in two styles. The package includes many different formats (Ai, EPS, PDF, PSD, CSH, PNG and SVG).
Stackicons is a free colourful icon font for the web. It includes over 60 up-to-date icons for modern social brands, from App.net to Zerply. It uses overlapping colours to create “multi-color” icons with a modern flat look. Created by Parker Bennett.
Here is a CSS snippet for creating a set of social rhombus icons and a nice animation on mouseover. Free PSD and code by Marco Biedermann.
Social media (Twitter, Facebook) postage stamps free PSD.