We all know how awesome charts are, but let’s be honest, creating them can be a bit tricky and time-consuming. If you’re on the lookout for pre-designed charts to use in your design projects, like an admin dashboard, then you should definitely check out this amazing free Figma resource.

Fikri is a library that offers over 90 stunning charts in a widget format (think card style). This collection has got you covered with a wide variety of charts, from bar and line graphs to more fancy ones like doughnuts, pies, scatter plots, plot charts, and even heatmaps. It’s like a chart lover’s dream come true!

To give you a taste of what Fikri has to offer, we’ve included some awesome examples in the images below:

Bar charts

Bar charts


Area charts

Area charts



Heatmaps chart


Sankey Diagram

Sankey diagram


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