Bear & Loupe handwritten font family
Bear & Loupe is a free handwritten font family including 3 weights (bold, regular and light). Designed and released by Rachid Aitouaissi.
Bear & Loupe is a free handwritten font family including 3 weights (bold, regular and light). Designed and released by Rachid Aitouaissi.
Aventura is a free font inspired to nature and camping life. It is free for commercial and personal use. Designed by Jimmy Kalman.
Jaapokki is a free font including 2 styles and and a large set of glyphs. Designed and released by Mikko Nuuttila.
Dripicons is an icon set now including a special section for weather. It includes 90+ icons: PSD, AI, EPS, PDF, SVG, Webfont.
A set of Tumblr-style cog loaders created with pure CSS and SVG icons based on an icon set designed by Jiri Silha.
Magdeleine is a new photography blog reporting an high-resolution photo with Creative Commons license every day.
Here are some common Mobile UI elements provided as blueprints. Free PSD created and released by Lorenzo Buosi.
L’egoist Corbeau is a cute free font inspired to Paris and to art deco. Designed by Louis Blanc.
Hans Kendrick 3.0 is a geometric grotesque typeface. Regular weight is free to download. Designed by Alfredo Marco Pradil.
Here is a clean and minimal UI kit made with Sketch app. Freebie created and released by Mateusz Dembek.