Miscellaneous Code Stuff

Pricing tables with HTML/CSS

A precious collection of pricing tables coded with HTML and CSS and ready to be used on your website. A freebies by Codrops.


CSS Calendar concept

A calendar app concept created with CSS only. Coded and released by David Khourshid.


Grid item animation layout

A responsive, magazine-like website layout with a grid item animation effect that happens when opening the content.


CSS-only weather app concept

A weather app concept based on Sergey Valiukh dribbble shot and built with pure CSS. A snippet created by David Khourshid.


12 free SVG loaders

A set of 12 loaders built purely in SVG, no CSS or JS. Created and released by Sam.


New subtle hover effects with CSS3

Some new creative and subtle hover effects using modern CSS techniques including 3D translate and pseudo elements. A collection by Codrops.
