The Siren: One-page blog/magazine design concept
The Siren is a clean and modern one-page Sketch template ideal for getting started with a blog/magazine design concept.
The Siren is a clean and modern one-page Sketch template ideal for getting started with a blog/magazine design concept.
OAK is a free HTML portfolio template ideal for designers, photographers and any kind of creative people who need a website for showcasing their own works.
A redesign concept of Adidas website designed in Sketch by Mark Gerkules, young UI designer from Israel, and released exclusively for our readers.
Docsify is a lightweight documentation generator that loads and parses your markdown files and displays them as website.
Tent CSS is a new framework built with Sass and BEM (zero JavaScript dependencies!) that includes only the essentials to get started with website design.
Snow is a free website template designed and released by Svetlana S. that you can use for creating minimal and clean portfolios.
Bodo is a free HTML template designed and coded by Muhamad Reza Adityawarman that you can use for getting started with a personal / portfolio website.
Element is a complete and minimal framework based on Vue.js that includes many useful UI components to quickly build websites and apps.
A basic and clean widget-style free UI kit that consists of 25 ready-made components to get started with a website design.
Karmo is a modern, flexible, well crafted and free HTML template designed and coded by the young UI/UX designer Tansilav Robert.